I am sure that all of you have heard of the
Jump Start products for kids, right?? My kids have loved going to their
website for some time now!! Did you know they have a
Wii game??
Well, we didn't. Until, I received an email from a nice lady at
Jump Start offering my kids an advance copy of their newest game
Escape from Adventure Island if I would do a review here on my blog!! WOO HOO!!!!
As usual, I told the kids....when will I ever learn?? Do you know how often we checked the mail??? hahaha Finally, the game is here. It has been here. It has been the favorite since it arrived. Or, at least with the 8, 9 & 11 year olds. The little girls love to try, but haven't mastered using the remotes yet. But they will sit and watch for quite a long time!! Of course this is an educational game, but I don't think the kids really got that. They have had a blast playing it. Seriously. They even let me play it with them. The math games have been the favorite among them.
This mom likes that there are several different levels of each game. There is a curriculum level then three skill levels amongst the curriculum levels. They have started out at the *easy* level and are working up to the *hard* level. The skills in game are many of the skills they are working on in math at school. Bonus!
There is a rhyming component in the Jet Pack game....it is great that they are actually grasping the concept of rhyming words!! YAY!!
We also have had a ton of fun playing Foot Frenzy!! Since we love dancing we have spent quite a few hours playing that game.
And of course the Fashion Show is a HUGE HIT!! Ethan is all about the clothes, even though he usually doesn't match! His *Jumpee* (same as avatar) is always
Now, if all of this sounds like fun to you, you will want to check out their
blog for a chance to win a FABULOUS prize package TODAY!!! The contest is over on the 16th.
* 50 winners will receive a copy of JumpStart Escape From
Adventure Island
* 3 GRAND PRIZE WINNERS will receive a family Escape Pack (over
$1000 value)!
o 1 Nintendo Wii Console
o 1 copy of JumpStart Escape From Adventure Island
o $250 in spa gift certificates
o 1 JumpStart branded flip camera
o 3 lifetime JumpStart memberships (1 for winner, 2 to share)
o 500 virtual coins for JumpStart.com
o 4 JumpStart pirate hats & 4 JumpStart kids T-shirts