Saturday morning I went to the was luxurious!! I think I deserve a visit with Rose at least once a month, don't you??? It was my first visit....did I mention it was luxurious?? Our oldest daughter, Marissa was so sweet to get me a gift certificate for Mother*s Day last year. I finally got the chance to go!!! It was luxurious!!!!
Daddy took all 8 kids to a party/egg hunt at his squadron!! I know I got the better deal!! lol But, he took pictures!!!
Rylea and Kaylea....

Little boys with the bunny!! Ethan looks so excited!! ha!

Owen....well, being OWEN!!

Rylea with headless Johnathan :-)

Poor bunny....he looks happy, though!

Then they came home and we dyed our eggs! All 5 dozen!!!! Rylea and Rubea really had fun and required very little assistance.
Rylea dying her very FIRST egg!! Such a beautiful color, too!!!

Rubea, Daddy & Kaylea writing on the eggs before coloring.

Team work!

Typical Ethan *face* The last egg.....

The *Bunny* showed up this year with 1 big gift. Mommy told him that she was tired of all the candy and *cheap* toys!! So, he brought 1 great gift that all 8 will enjoy!!!

Trying to get a good picture after church....took about 20....none were great....

Then it was time for the *hunt* Rylea and Rubea have been to 3 already this year, so they are almost pros by now!!
Kaylea found some, but can't reach them! BUMMER!! :-) Luckily her big brother helped her out.

Jack....not sure what he is doing??!??! a run! He is so stinkin' cute!!

Rylea guarding her bucket. She won't let ANYONE touch it!!

Ethan proud of all his eggs!!

Daddy helping Rubea look for eggs.

So, the gift from the *Bunny* was a snow cone maker with cups, holders, and syrups! It was a huge hit! They all had at least 2 today! Hopefully it will be fun this summer when it is
Rylea, Daddy and Rubea enjoying their snow cones

Owen, Kaylea, Jack and Ethan...with their cones

Johnathan still shaving ice!!!!

Rylea's favorite was rootbeer!
Rubea's was cherry!