Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I am a bit overwhelmed with that number!

Do you want to know why??

That is the number of times per week that one of my 6 younger kids will have
therapy!! 5 of them will receive Speech Therapy 2 times per week, 5 of the will receive Physical Therapy 2 times per week and 5 of them will receive Occupational Therapy 2 times per week!!


That is a LOT of appointments!! I'm not exactly sure how
I will do it! I may have to take up residence there. So far they have not scheduled 2 or more kids at a given time! But.... we haven't got them all scheduled yet. We should have a schedule by the end of the week! So, if you wonder why I am not on FB or blogging....I am probably sitting the waiting room on the 3rd floor!!



Lynn said...

Oh my! You better get yourself a netbook girl! It will all be worth it, of course you know that:)


Ladyblog said...

Wow! You're amazing!

thatgirlblogs said...

I'm really overwhelmed just reading that. You can do it. Prayers are coming...

Sharon and Michael said...

Oh dear! Does the school not do any of these therapies at the school? If anyone can handle it, it is YOU! :) The netbook idea is a good one. You rock, Carla!

Missy said...

Hey, Carla, can you please contact me? I can't seem to get you by e-mail. Thanks!!


redmaryjanes said...

You are amazing Carla!