We have been contacted several times over the past 2 months concerning some children being disrupted and families needing respite care.
One of the families disrupting has 3 children they were looking to place. The children are 15, 13 & 11. Not the easiest age group to place. We had just agreed to adopt another little boy through a disruption, so we decided to adovocate for the sibling group.
My friend and fellow adoptive mom of many and her family have taken in and fallen in love with the 15 year old girl!! YAY!!! So, on to finding a home or homes for the 13 & 11 year olds.
A few different families considered one or both of the children, but in the end decided not to move forward at this time.
Knowing the situation that they were in was really taking a toll on my heart! I prayed daily, sometimes much more often, to find a family for these kids. I knew they needed to be with a family or families that would love them uncondtionally and provide them with the love & respect that they deserve.
John and I had already said we would take one or the other if we could just find a home for the other one.
Finally, last week after much prayer, we decided we were just going to take both children. Their home life was detiorating and they needed a new family NOW! So we started preparing to bring these precious children into our home. After all, what is 2 more when you have 8 at home, right?? :-)
Friday while talking to my dear & precious friend she said to me, *Carla, don't you have enough on your plate right now? What about you? Are you taking care of yourself?*
Of course, I started explaining to her that we would all be fine, these children need a home!
Then she says to me *We will take them. I'm serious!*
In all my searching I had never thought to ask THEM!! Though I should have realized when she asked me a thousand questions about adoption and was reasearching adoption on the internet and sending me links and information.
I had been focusing on families who had already adopted. The whole situation makes sense to me now.....this was God's plan all along. I love when he surprises me like that!! My friend and her husband are amazing parents! I am over the moon excited that I get to go with them next weekend to meet their new son and daughter!! I get to watch this miricale unfold!!!
We have been in constant contact all weekend....John and I have loved every minute of listening to them as they plan what they will do to rearrange their home, what clothes they will buy them, which kids will share rooms, etc.... It has been as much fun sharing their excitement as it was each time we have adopted!!!!
Congratulations Coupland Family!!!! You are truly BLESSED!!!!!