Monday, September 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Ethan

Always being silly....

....and happy.....

...and showing off...

...and goofy...

...and excited!!!!

Dear Ethan,

I can not believe that you are 11. I remember not so long ago when you were just 4!!! You were only 27 lbs and 27 inches! You are such an amazing, confident, strong & funny kid! I love your jokes, your infectious laugh, your smile, the love you show your family, your determination, hugs, strong will and how sensitive you are to others! You are an awesome big brother and a great role model for Owen! I hope you had a great birthday!!! We are proud of you for learning to ride your bike on you own!!
Lots of love,


Lisa said...

Happy Birthday, Ethan!!!! What an infectious smile he has.

lorihays said...

I hear you, Carla! It's bittersweet sometimes to have the years pass so quickly with our children! Love to the special birthday boy and his family!

The Hays Gang

Dawn said...

Hi Carla...Ethan looks so his smile.

I got Lucy's tea kettle and tea set from is made by KidKraft. Hope that helps!

Sharon and Michael said...

Happy Belated Birthday Ethan. I'm trying to catch up on my blog reading. :)