Monday, March 10, 2008

We are in Thailand FINALLY!!!  The trip was LONG!! It started out leaving an hour late from San Antonio. Then with bad weather in MI, we just made our flight in Detroit only to sit on the runway for over an hour. It may have been longer, but we passed out. I have no clue how long we were in the air before I woke up! We had headwind on the way to Japan and were a couple hours late. We RAN....LITERALLY RAN to our plane....then sat on that runway for an hour! I fell asleep again and slept through that take off!! LOL! We were due into Bangkok at 12:05 a.m. We finally landed about 1:30 a.m. and made it to our hotel at about 3:15 a.m. Of course I still had to wrap all the gifts and be ready to leave the hotel at 8:30. Finally about 5:30 a.m., after much needed showers, we got to bed. I slept about an hour and got up, ready to talk to the kids and eat breakfast. We left the hotel about 8:30 and caught a taxi. Of course, we forgot all the gifts and had to go back! We made it to the Social worker's office at exactly 9:30! Then we went to the orphanage.......

We now have Not with us! He was very shy and nervous at first. We visited his room and passed out some gifts. Then the driver of the orphanage brought us back to our hotel. When we got out of the van to go into the hotel, HE GRABBED MY HAND!!!! It was so sweet!! I was shocked. He holds my hand now all the time. Of course we have only had him 4 hours, but he is great! Smiles a lot and is very agreeable, too! He isn't much bigger than Ethan. In fact, his hands are smaller :-) He ate a fruit roll up in the room, he was confused as to what it was!! We just finished lunch! He ate it ALL!!!!! He is probably going to eat a TON like Ethan!!

Lori, we have an appointment to go back to the orphanage on Friday morning to visit your "Thai guy". They gave me a brochure with the address so we could show the cab driver. There is a picture of him in there! I grabbed an extra one for you! I'm nice like that....sometimes!

I am not going to add pictures at this time, I don't want to down load them to this computer. So, we'll grab the lap top and take it somewhere we can get Wi Fi and I'll add some pictures. Things here are the same as the last 2 trips!

The social worker laughed at me this morning when I asked her if I could adopt 1 more!!! LOL! I'll take that as a NO!!!!

Much love from Bangkok~
John, Carla & NOTE!!!!!


Jennifer Chapman said...

Congratulations, Carla and family! We are glad to hear that you made it safe and sound. Enjoy your trip!

Jennifer, Larry, Lillian and Kendall

Rhonda said...


So glad to hear that you made it safe and sound and that you FINALLY have your little boy with you!!!


Rhonda (Jade's mom)

polkadot said...

I am sooo jealous that you were able to sleep on the plane ;) I am so glad to hear he's holding your hand and feeling comfortable with you. LOL about the fruit roll up, my 2 Chinese kids eat them but don't understand them, either!

Hugs and Congratulations!!!!!!!!!

Lisa said...

Yeah!!! I'm so glad that you have Not with you already!!!! I can't wait to see pictures and hear more about it.


alison said...

Can't wait to see pictures Carla and to hear more about your latest journey!!!!

Ranee said...

Happy to hear you are there finally and can't wait on some photos from you!

I'm 32, born and raised in Indiana and I don't understand fruit roll ups, but as my 5 year old tells me...They are good for you! Yeah right!